Frequent bowel movements

Is it normal to have increased bowel movements after brain coiling. It has been 20 months since my husband had 18 coils put in his brain at the anterior communicating artery. He is a miracle of God and has all his intelligence and memory. Just a problem with completing a task and some extreme short term memory. He has always been regular but now often going to the bathroom two to three times a day. Would this have anything to do with the brain? Thank you so much for any comments.

Yes...I agree with Jo...check medications...and if not ... you may want to see your make sure all is ok with stomach...alot of our meds ie., plavix, aspirin, etc., can cause alot of problems with the stomach and bowel...

I was like't move them bowels for days....

Cyber~thoughts Colleen

We have check all meds. He has always been very regular and now is also. He just goes an additional 1 or 2 times a day. Thank you for the reply. It is a concern for me. We have regular colon test and etc. If anyone has additional moves like his after coiling and recovery please post. Thank again.