Flow diverter stent reconstruction of ruptured supraclinoid left internal carotid artery blister aneurysm. recovery?

I recently (approx 3 weeks ago) had a Pipeline flow-diverter stent reconstruction of ruptured irregular 2-mm blister-type aneurysm involving the dorsal supraclinoid segment of the left internal carotid artery with associated mild proximal dissection-related stenosis consistent with intracranial dissecting aneurysm patholog. Since Ive been released from hospital my headaches and neck pain are so severe. I knew I would have headaches but these are unbearable especially when I wake up in the morning. I’m always curled up in a ball in tears. The only thing that kind of helps is imitrex which I take for my migraines but I can only get 9 pills a month per my insurance. Does anyone have any advice? And has anyone tried things like acupuncture and/or a chiropractor for the neck pain? Desperate and sad and scared.



I use Sumatriptan nasal spray for my cluster headaches it normally resolved the headache within 10 minutes. I haven’t tried the alternate type procedures myself but did see where someone was getting relief with acupuncture. As I understand it these headache should begin to resolve themselves with time. But I would talk with the doctor about what else you might use.

Thank you so much. Ill speak w my internist to see if I can poss get that :slight_smile: