Difficult coping with late effects of brain injury

its ptsd and the effects, i like the ideas here of researching meds and possibly discontinuing, less is more! I disagree with your dr very strongly- you will not get worse as he suggested, i am 7 yrs post gr5 sah w a 6 day coma and had to re-learn walking talking and even eating! Improvement is slow tho. You seem like an upbeat positive person that recognizes his faults and deficits and has the love in his heart to reconcile- thats step one. I would just apologize to the people you snapped on(if they didnt deserve it) of course. And go from there one step at a time. Dont be hard on yourself, you are an innocent victum of a horrible affliction and you are doing your best to deal with idiots, morons and meanies-lol tc hey im glad you are sharing with us, it will help you and us, win win! oh sorry editting, i just read your last entry! did you research the side effects too? some anti depressants actually have very negative effects on certain individuals, tc oh btw im so happy your wife is with you and able to work- you will be