Coiling/stent Tuesday

I am scheduled to have my irregular 8mm x 7mm wide neck saccular aneurysm coiled and pipelined on Tuesday. I was instructed to shower with antibacterial soap for three days everyday before the procedure. My husband says not to bother because basically this is just the same as a cranial angiogram. I disagree

Hey MamaJeri,
Welcome to Ben’s Friends.
“I was instructed to shower with antibacterial soap for three days everyday before the procedure”
If that was what you were instructed to do… …then do it. Hubby maybe correct, it maybe similar BUT prior to surgery they will ask you about your preparations and if the instructions have not been followed there is every possibility that the surgical procedure will be cancelled. Along with that you can get yourself a label as ‘A non compliant patient’ and this is a label you do not want. Such a label can follow you for years. (I know this because 30yr ago I objected to medical advice and this still gets brought up today ‘Ohh you have a history…’).

Save yourself the hassle and just do it.

Merl from the Modsupport Team

I agree with Merl, just do it. It’s not going to hurt to follow your washing directions, Did you ask why you have to wash with the antibacterial soap for this procedure? If they’re going through your femoral or radial artery, then it’s just like an angiogram, so hubby is correct on that. But again, I’d follow your pre-op directions. I had a direction not to use sugar before some type of test…I insisted honey was not sugar and put some in my tea. Drove the 70 minutes to the hospital just to be told I couldn’t do the test snd had to have it rescheduled. They’ve since changed the direction to no sweeteners :rofl:

All the best on your upcoming procedure and Welcome!

Hello @MamaJeri
I agree with the other members, do it. That is standard procedure for any surgery, even if this will be through an incision in your groin. You don’t want bacteria from your skin going into your brain. This is standard procedure and I would strongly recommend that you do it. Don’t jeopardize your health.
Best of luck with your upcoming surgery.

Thanks! Still waiting here.

The rising cases of Covid caused my “elective”surgery to be postponed for two weeks.

And if that isn’t enough, apparently I am a hyper responder to blood thinners so even if I do make it to my surgery on the 31st, it is a possibility my blood thinner medication won’t be exactly right for the surgery.

I’m still hopeful that things will happen eventually. Until then, I wait! Thanks for asking!

Hey, I just thought of something @MamaJeri, you may want to start a new topic under the General tab. I think you may get more support from other members…

I know where we live in NC, the NSICU’s are full of mostly COVID cases and they’re flying the neuro cases down to SC. I think it’s from Greensboro to Asheville. Which is really bad news. In December when I had my “elective” procedure the Neurosurgeons were allowed three beds total. A lot of planning amongst them, that’s for sure. Sometime that night, I was switched to Trauma ICU because an emergency neuro patient came in and they needed the bed.

Hang in there and do try to start a new topic under “General”. If you have difficulty, just ask myself or ModSupport, or even right here on chat.

All the best,