Can you help a new member provide long distance support by Facetime?

@Moltroub & @Seenie

Thank you so much for your kindness and support. I don’t know if you realise the difference its making to my life.

I want to moan about everything thats going wrong. There is so much at the moment!

Im struggling.

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V, your words of appreciation have made a difference to me too.

Moltroub and I are both old enough to have lived through the illness and loss of parents, and we are both rare disease patients. We are here on Ben’s Friends because we too have known the kindness and support of strangers. And we understand what a difference a kind and empathetic ear can make.

Moan, rant or rage, V: do what you have to do to get through this dark period of your life. We are here to listen, encourage and support. And you will make it through: you are stronger than you think

We know you are struggling: we’ve been there too, and just knowing that someone understands and cares can sometimes make all the difference.

Thinking of you

Seenie from ModSupport

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@veryvee I believe @Seenie has said it most eloquently. We appreciate you as well. When you need to rant, please do we can help you work through it, even if it’s a listening ear.

Hang in there,

I found my aneurysm by accident when I had surgery ABC filmed it for a Dr. Oz show however it made the cutting room floor as they say. My son who was getting married was asked how it felt that I would not be at his wedding, guess what I was and that was 10 years ago I feel good

New Jersey

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