Calling my fellow 'Wait and Watchers"

Dear smugsy: Same here with CTA for tinnitus. Just something I have no control over, and don’t waste time worrying about.
Got a lot going on medically. CTA also found nodules in parotid [salivary] glands on both sides. Possible Warthin’s tumor per doctor on May 10. July 5 is the date for needle biopsy. [Nothing like waiting for life altering tests!] Warthin’s is usually benign, but I have more than one on each side and I am a smoker.
Have PTSD from car accident, depression, insomnia, GERD and assorted pains that come & go.
Did my end-of-life paperwork and medical instructions several years ago.
Wear a bracelet with my exact diagnosis and treatment instructions.Scheduled for another CTA in late June, so will see if any changes.
The father of a friend of my children came home on a Friday night with a headache and was dead by Monday of a rupture. The actor recently, and now the father of a Jeopardy champion. Don’t know if any of them had advance warning–for us that could be a life saver, since we can learn about care treatments, etc.