Massage after brain aneurysm coiling

Good Morning Everyone,
Its been a little while since I posted. But I wanted to get some feedback on getting a massage. My doctor said it was ok, but wanted to see what other people think. Is it ok to get a massage post surgery. My aneurysm surgery was last year. The feedback would be greatly appreciated.

Not a doctor but I can’t see any harm in a massage. If it was lower, maybe near the neck I might have them skip that area. I’ve had several massages since my coiling procedure in 2012 and they’ve just relaxed me, which can only be helpful.

Be well

I haven’t had a massage after my procedure, but I can say before it, the pressure created in my head laying on my stomach was not good. The face cradle was a little lower than the table, which I feel is normal, but didn’t work well for me
I’m told now they can raise my head higher. I will try that, I get a massage once a month, but not until the remaining 3 aneurysms are taken care of. Not sure if having 4 made a difference.